My Testimony
Gordon E. Alexander
My Experiences, walking away and towards God
The Bible Experience
Mother, Father, three brothers have passed. that generation is gone. I'm waiting for the resurrection
day of our Lord!
God led me to teach a Bible class leading out in the Bible discussion for over 30 years. Accolades of praise would come and sounded good to my ears. Pastors would come visit the class. Some people would say they would not be there with God if it wasn’t for this class. There were some that would leave to be teachers on their own in other classes. Others would go on to be deacons and elders in a congregation. Others would bring friends. Fellow Christians would come to visit the class. I was on a wonderful experience working for God. I seem to be on a high to have made it but looking back, I felt what seems like Elijah at Mount Carmel. I had made it and was a winner for God. But like Elijah, a rainy day came and I ran to hide. Devastating things happened. Depression hit hard as I searched to find my footing again. I even looked up to be able see the bottom. Rest in the grave even looked good to me as I struggled in my mind to find my way back. Is God still working in me? My mind had this project deep inside. I typed many things and pasted them to my charts. I could put my post it notes in the computer. But God will say yes, no, or wait. Waiting is difficult when "you" know the timing is right but God still says wait. My personal life had collapses all around me.
I sought help from others on how to make it back. There was much discouragement. For 20 years things were twirling in my mind and then God led me to my father’s bible and treasures in my attic. By now I was carrying my Dads Bible with me to church for three years and I had missed it. It had marking that I had seen before. I now searched and followed the markings my father had left behind and now the Bible has came to life again. Here is my testimony of God’s project. God now says yes. God has opened the doors .
Here is what I have learned and I believe in
I present to you the beginnings of the Earths history of a man telling a story. It’s a person, a dad, a grandfather. I see Father Adam. There setting on the knees of Adam is his sons and daughters, his grandsons and granddaughters. There were many children down through many generations. Gen 5:5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died. It is Father Adam telling the story. Adam looks into the sky and says, "In the beginning God" created the heavens and the Earth. "In the beginning" to me is the story teller saying , In the beginning of Earths history, God. As I search his story, I 1Th_5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good, I needed to see if I believed. it. I am just presenting here what I have learned through my experiences in life. I am presenting here, what I have come to believe in and what I have trust in. I am presenting here history from a history book. The Bible.
I now present to you my personal experience and testimony
My failures and the successes in finding God
Genesis was written by a man named Moses who lived around 2500 years from Adam.

I had doubt's
My questions were where did the bible come from? Is the World more than 6000 years old? Who were the ones that made the Bible (History Book) possible for me to have with the benefit of seeing it and reading it today? Is the story true or is it all a hoax? I have found peace, love and forgiveness in my study of history and why I am here today.
Welcome to bible revival today . com . My bible project began many years ago unknown to me. Many pieces of bible information have passed by me over the years. At times the information did not make since to me and my bible became a big jigsaw puzzle. Pieces were scattered all over the place and nothing fit together. Finding the finished picture that would help my needs did not always surface to the top.
I was always told the help was their but single pieces didn’t fit in my life. After years of working the puzzle I find that Jesus was there helping to put the pieces together all the time. I‘ve put together a flow chart of earth’s history from creation through current events. Pieces of Information come from a variety of sources that has conflicting dates. Information came from the King James Bible, Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, a variety of Bible Commentaries, and Christian leaflets found in many and sometimes, odd places.
My Grandfather Believed in God
In There searching for God
My Grandfather and Grandmother changed Denominations many times
My other Grandfather Taught Sunday school Class
My Great-uncle Became a Pastor and Started Many Congregations
My Mother took Bible Studies from a Radio Minister
This current Project began
before the turn of the century
When my brother and I
had a discussion
About the Age of the Earth.
So I set out to prove
the Christian Belief of that
The Earth was about 6000 Years old
I went to our family Bibles
and treasures in the attic.
I found in my studies
much, much more.
So I dedicate this project to
my family members
That has passed before me
I have seen time pass and need to know what will happen to me….? I learn things even as I am old. I have seen new life of a Child being born. I have seen a seed being planted into the earth, I have seen water put on the earth and seed, I have seen the sun and darkness used to sprout the seed into life. I believe because I have seen things develop and grow. I have now seen death. Plants and animals have died around me. I have now lived long enough to have experienced the pain of seeing Humans that have touched my life, Die. I have seen car accidents, sickness, disease, and even the death of love ones of family that have brought me into life and taught me. I believe in the things they have taught me, it all now has a new meaning. There is enough evidence around us to learn of God and believe. From my study of the history book the Bible, experiences in life, the study of nature, the study of God, and the things my father and mother left behind in their bibles, I now know where I came from and where I choose to go. Yes I Believe.